Discovering The Legacy of African Cultures

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Gullah Geechee

Learn about the Gullah Geechee People

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Mus tek cyear a de root fa heal de tree.

“One must take care of the root to heal the tree”

Gullah Geechee Corridor Heritage Celebration!

The Gullah Geechee culture is a unique African American cultural heritage that developed in the coastal regions of the southeastern United States, particularly in the Lowcountry regions of South Carolina, Georgia, and parts of Florida. 
Stay Tuned! We are making a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT about our 2025 Convenings!

Upcoming Events

20TH -22ND

The Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor National Heritage Area does not provide site tours or coordinate tours in any of our local communities. Please visit our StoryMap to learn more about historic sites you can visit! Please sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on events and news from across the Corridor!

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